Makine İhtisas Org. San. Böl. 2. Cad. No:7 Dilovası / Kocaeli
+90 262 502 06 47 – 48

Occupational Health&Safety Policy

Parsan > Occupational Health&Safety Policy

    Our vision is

    To be the market leader and the most preferred solution partner in our nearby geography and in Europe,in the sectors we serve.


    We provide long-term, advantageous business partnerships for both parties by providing forged parts and services related to these products, ready for assembly.

    We grow our business volume, product range and added value with controlled steps and in addition, we increase the customer satisfaction provided by the productive processes we have developed.

    Our values are,

    • Progress towards perfection
    • Environmental awareness And Respect for envirionment.
    • Respect and Courtesy.

    Our OHS mission:

    To take measures protecting human health and safety from material supply to finished product shipment with Occupational Health and Safety Management System by attaching importance not nly to working results but how to reach these results, and to provide a healthy and safe working environment.

    Our OHS target:

    To eliminate the negative impacts and dangers or lower the risk to an acceptable level aimed at human safety and health in their resource in all our activities, products and services, in the manner of compatible with the needs and expectations of our customers and society, and also to the quality and environment policy of PARSAN and to ensure job security.

    Our OHS Values are:

    • To carry working conditions which have uncompromisingly observance of Occupational Health and Safety legal standards, continuous improvement process is enabled into effect.
    • To see the providing and improving of OHS provisions as an integral part of our activities and a life style, beyond legal requirements and customer demands.

    Our OHS policy is

    • To create an OHS Company Culture by encouraging the active participation within the scope of developing and improving the measures to be taken in order to improve the OHSs of all employees, contractors and visitors.
    • To promote the effective implementation of OSH policies concerning the organization and to bring procedures, systems, information, training for everyone by creating organizational structures and promotional programs.
    • To comply with all applicable legislations, regulations and standards regarding to OHS.
    • To identify all the risks associated with the company’s activites by determining and to establish and implement risk and hazard managament systems appropriate for them.
    • To provide safety working areas and equipments for controlled working.
    • To provide appropriate OHS training for all staff.
    • To create an annual OHS program to improve health and safety in the workplace.
    • To allocate adequate resources to improve OSH performance on a continuous basis.
    • To provide regular and closer health surveillance for employees.
    • To interfere to all negligences and events as actively, investigate them and to provide the injured workers to return to their work at the first opportunity to appropriate jobs by fair managing pretensions and rehabilitation practices.
    • To set targets for participation at all levels to Risk Assessment and Risk Level Reducing.
    • To ensure the achievement to “Zero Work Accident” goal by continuously improving our OHS culture.
    • This is ensured that all managers/leaders/employees, visitors and subcontractors working in Parsan comply with all necessary OHS rules, legal requirements and Parsan Management System rules.
    • This is obligatory for the relevant persons and personal protective equipment to use in accordance with the working place, work and environmental conditions. Every intrested party has to implement this.
    • Emergency drills are planned, implemented, reported and improvements are made where necessary, at intervals determined in accordance with Emergency Plans, legal and regulatory requirements.
    • Chemicals are stored in such a way that they do not harm the environment and people, and necessary precautions are taken during use.
    • Within the scope of fire-related measures, fire cabinets and fire extinguishers are installed in designated places of the workplace in order to prevent the fire from harming employees and factories. Personnel who have received fire fighting training are trained. Communication and warnings are provided to ensure that the necessary intervention is made as soon as possible.